For the very first time I have to drive myself to Crufts in Birmingham, my co-pilot was Julie Hasselby, but it was me driving. Of course I was a bit nervous, but nothing could keep me home, we had to to. The greatest dogshow in the world.
And what a year. I brought two dogs with me Marland Ultimate og Filisite Brash Dear Miss Kiss. Unfortunately Missi got sick, so I could only show Charlie in the Junior Class. As always he showed his sockc of in front of the judge Allison Kenny-Mariott (kennel Millingford) and all the public around the ring. He is full of spirit, love to show, he thinks it's a party every time. That's wonderfull for a handler.
He won the Junior Class, Best Junior male at Crufts 2019....all dreams came true, it was marvellous. Congratulation to his breeder Viive Maranik, Thallin, and his owner Inge and Sten Asboe.